
Caffe on Ubuntu / Eclipse C/C++


After building Caffe framework, you can use Eclipse to develop and build your own application by including Caffe. Here is an article to teach you how to set up Eclipse for Caffe on Ubuntu14.04 and Eclipse C/C++.

Step 1: 
Open Eclipse, create a C++ project and select Linux GCC toolchains.

Go to "properties->C/C++ Build->Settings-> GCC C++ Compiler ->includes" to set Caffe's include path. Add two paths to be included:

Notes: Whenever Caffe releases, need to run all build coomands

  Go to "properties->C/C++ Build->Settings-> GCC C++ Linker ->Libraries" to set Caffe's libray path.

Add the bellows to "Library search path(-L)"

Paste it to " include path(-l) "

Step4: (Optional)
Because I didn't use GPU to compute, so I set CPU_ONLY=1 for preprocessor.

To let Linker find libcaffe.so , you need to specify libcaffe.so in Properties->C/C++ Build->Setting->GCC C++ Linker->Miscellaneous->Other objects

If you does not want specify libcaffe.so in Eclipse.
You can Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to ~.bashrc to find libcaffe for linker
$ echo 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="to/your/path/caffe/build/lib/"' > ~/.bashrc

In my case:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib:/home/darrenl/developments/caffe/build/lib/"

Add a *.cpp file and include caffe.hpp to build.

#include <caffe/caffe.hpp>
using caffe::Blob;
using caffe::Caffe;
using caffe::Datum;
using caffe::Net;
using caffe::shared_ptr;
using caffe::vector;
using caffe::MemoryDataLayer;
int main() {
    Net<float> *caffe_net;
    return 0;
You can refer to my source code:
$ git clone https://github.com/tzutalin/caffe_test.git

Build and Run
Build: Project-> Build Project  (ctrl + b)
Run: Run as Local C++ application (ctrl + F11)

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